See how we help startups succeed: real projects, real results

From MVPs to fully scalable platforms, explore how Bloorsoft has helped startups across industries bring their ideas to life with speed, innovation, and user-centric design.

From startups across different industries


Data visualization with interactive charts

Delivering real-time data insights with interactive charts for Nexavision’s WNBA feature.

Interactive data visualization for Nexavision’s AI-Driven insights

Project overview

  • Tech Stack: Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Supabase, Recharts, ShadCN Chart Components
  • Summary: Developed interactive chart components for Nexavision’s WNBA season feature, allowing users to easily interpret data gathered by their computer vision algorithms. Delivered the project in under 2 weeks, building on the existing MVP with modern charting solutions.
  • Tuuli

    From idea to MVP in < 7 weeks

    Building a sleek MVP for Tuuli’s real estate and environment platform, ready for investor demos in under 7 weeks.

    Turning a real estate idea into a functional MVP in less than 7 weeks

    Project overview

  • Tech Stack: Supabase, Next.js, TypeScript, Vercel, ShadCN UI, React Leaflet, Google Maps API, Recharts
  • Summary: Delivered a fully functional web app from scratch in under 7 weeks for a real estate startup focused on environmental sustainability. Built custom authentication, map features, and a complex graph component for carbon metric analysis to support their core value proposition.
  • ThrillX

    Collaboration to deliver a scalable fintech web app on a tight deadline

    Building a responsive, multilingual MVP for a fintech client with fast, iterative delivery to meet investor demands.

    Building a fintech web app with fast delivery and responsive design

    Project overview

    • Tech Stack: React, TypeScript, Tailwind, Next.js, AWS, Vercel
    • Summary: Collaborated with ThrillX to build a custom fintech web application, focusing on UI/UX optimizations and fast delivery. Converted Figma designs into functional, responsive web pages with multilingual support. The project, with tight weekly deadlines, is ongoing and involves building an MVP for investor demos.

    Soul Thrillers

    Streamlining therapist scheduling with secure automation

    Building a custom scheduling system to manage therapist availability and protect patient data for a virtual therapy clinic.

    Automating secure scheduling for a virtual therapy clinic

    Project overview

    • Tech Stack: Next.js, TypeScript, Supabase, Tailwind, Jane API
    • Summary: Developed a custom scheduling integration for therapists working across multiple clinics, automating availability updates and securely handling patient data (PPI). Also implemented routing to match patients with therapists based on availability and other factors, enhancing clinic efficiency.


    From data to MVP in < 6 weeks

    Helping Nexavision launch a data-driven web app for professional sports bettors before the NBA playoffs ended.

    Turning NBA data into a winning MVP in under 6 weeks

    Project overview

  • Tech Stack: Supabase, Next.js, Tailwind, TypeScript, Stripe API, Resend
  • Summary: Developed a web app powered by custom computer vision algorithms, helping sports betters make informed decisions based on real-time NBA data. Included a landing page to showcase features and integrate payment and authentication systems.
  • Streamline Climate

    Custom Microsoft integrations to improve UX

    Delivering a seamless Microsoft OneDrive integration to simplify document management for grant writers.

    Streamlining document access with Microsoft OneDrive integration

    Project overview

  • Tech Stack: Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Microsoft OneDrive API
  • Summary: Implemented a Microsoft OneDrive integration to simplify document management for grant writers, allowing users to seamlessly pull their existing files into the web app. Navigated unclear project requirements and outdated documentation to deliver a smooth, user-friendly solution in just 3 weeks.
  • BrandVM

    Automated quoting system for SMB

    Building an automated quoting system to streamline Vision Gazon's lawn care services and boost customer conversions.

    Conversion rate optimized quoting system for lawn care business

    Project overview

  • Tech Stack: React, Tailwind CSS, Mapbox.js, Google Maps API, Node.js, Express, Netlify,, Go High Level API
  • Summary: Built an automated quoting system that allows Vision Gazon's customers to get precise lawn care quotes by drawing polygons on a map. Integrated Google Maps for address validation and Go High Level for CRM data syncing. Collaborated with BrandVM for a fully custom UI and complex OAuth 2.0 integration.
  • Seleste

    Improving an AI-enabled React Native app

    Refining Seleste’s AI-powered mobile app for smart glasses, improving performance, and reducing latency for a smoother user experience.

    Enhancing an AI-Powered React Native app for smart glasses

    Project overview

  • Tech Stack: React Native, AI models, Deepgram, JavaScript
  • Summary: Refactored and optimized Seleste's React Native app for better performance with their AI-powered smart glasses. Reduced response latency by over 50% and experimented with developing a cross-platform Wifi Direct module to improve image frame transfer between the mobile app and smart glasses.
  • TeleVU Innovation

    Integrating hardware with a React Native app

    Seamlessly connecting at-home medical devices with TeleVU’s healthcare apps for better patient data management.

    Integrating medical hardware with TeleVU’s React Native app

    Project overview

    • Tech Stack: React Native, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
    • Summary: Integrated the Checkme medical device with TeleVU’s BioVU app to allow patients to sync at-home health data with healthcare providers. Built a custom hook to connect the device via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), parse and format health data, and sync it with the shared server between BioVU and ClinicVU.

    TeleVU Innovation

    Implementing a custom chat microservice

    Enhancing communication with a real-time chat microservice for TeleVU’s web and mobile apps.

    Real-time communication with a custom chat microservice for TeleVU

    Project overview

  • Tech Stack: Express,, React, Resend, SCSS, MUI
  • Summary: Developed a custom chat microservice using an Express backend and for real-time communication across TeleVU’s web and mobile apps. The new feature significantly improved in-app communication, providing users with chat history, email reminders, and seamless messaging integration.
  • TeleVU Innovation

    Modernizing the video call user experience

    Improving TeleVU’s video call interface for seamless communication between healthcare providers and smart glasses users.

    Redesigning a modern video call interface for smart glasses in healthcare

    Project overview

  • Tech Stack: JavaScript, React, AWS, SCSS, MUI, WebSockets, proprietary video calling backend
  • Summary: Redesigned and improved the video call interface for TeleVU's smart glasses, allowing healthcare providers to seamlessly communicate with remote users. The new interface supports window resizing, screen sharing, additional video sources, and an updated layout, improving the overall user experience for remote care providers.
  • QNTM Circle

    Designing a premium UX for influencer marketing

    Designing a seamless mobile experience for restaurant owners to connect with influencers for impactful marketing campaigns.

    Crafting a Premium Mobile UX for Influencer Marketing

    Project overview

  • Tech Stack (Proposal): React Native, Expo, Firebase, Stripe, Tailwind CSS
  • Summary: Designed a high-end mobile experience for restaurant owners to connect with influencers for marketing purposes. Delivered custom Figma designs and a detailed development proposal recommending React Native with Expo for building a unified, scalable app for both iOS and Android.
  • Artefice

    Building a custom e-commerce experience integrated with AI

    Creating a seamless e-commerce experience where AI meets fashion, allowing users to design and purchase custom apparel.

    Custom AI-Powered E-Commerce Experience for Personalized Apparel

    Project overview

  • Tech Stack: React, JavaScript, Chakra UI, SCSS, Firebase, Stripe, Resend, Vercel, ShipStation API
  • Summary: Developed a custom AI-integrated e-commerce platform that allows users to design their own apparel using AI-generated images, select product options, and complete purchases via Stripe. Integrated shipping management with ShipStation, and handled email notifications through Resend.
  • Majd

    Custom development for SMB

    Empowering Majd with a modern website, custom mobile app, and AI-powered marketing tools.

    Custom Web and Mobile Solutions for SMB Growth

    Project overview

  • Tech Stack: Wix, Figma, React Native, AI-powered content marketing
  • Summary: Designed and developed a modern website using Wix’s CMS, implemented lead tracking and analytics, built a custom React Native mobile app for customer interaction, and introduced Majd Cleaning to Bloorsoft Engager, our AI-powered marketing platform for content generation and distribution.
  • RAHH Inc.

    Interactive 3D web development for real estate

    Bringing architecture to life with 3D modeling, animated walkthroughs, and immersive virtual tours.

    Crafting a multi-dimensional digital experience for architectural visualization

    Project overview

  • Tech Stack: AutoCAD, Revit, Blender, 3ds Max, Unity3D, Unreal Engine, Pano2VR, krpano, Wix
  • Summary: Designed a multi-faceted digital showcase for RAHH Inc., transforming complex architectural blueprints into detailed 3D models, interactive walkthroughs, and a 360° virtual tour. Developed a custom website to house these visual elements, providing an immersive user experience for potential clients.